Last week, a client came to me who had been sued by a debt buyer for $3,100. Allegedly, the debt was based on an old alarm system account that had gone unpaid. The debt buyer, a smaller outfit called Harbin, LLC, actually brought a corporate officer to court to testify as to their documentation and information procedures. We made a number of objections to their proof, and the court sustained several of them. My client was in court and prepared to testify that she had in fact paid the debt, but it wasn’t necessary. At the close of the debt collector’s case, I moved for dismissal based on their inability to prove their case. The court sustained my objections and entered an order dismissing the case. Another collection lawsuit defeated in Mobile County.
Next week: I go to Fairhope to take on Midland Funding in Baldwin County. They subpoena’d my client as a witness, which is an unusual step. We’ll see how it goes.
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