National Collegiate Student Loan Trust sued my client for a delinquent student loan. We won.
National Collegiate Student Loan Trust, or NCSLT, as it is more commonly abbreviated, is a massive corporate entity that purchases old, charged off student loans and then proceeds to try and collect them. Like most buyers of junk debt, they often file collection lawsuits against delinquent borrowers in Alabama. In this case, they sued my clients, John and Julie, for a student loan that they had incurred long ago.
My clients filed an answer to the lawsuit on their own, but when NCSLT upped the ante by filing a Motion for Summary Judgment against them, they decided that they needed an experienced student debt defense lawyer on their side, so they hired me. In case you aren’t familiar with it, a Motion for Summary Judgment is an official, written request for the court to enter judgment against someone without even giving them a trial. NCSLT knows that most debtors don’t have the legal knowledge and expertise to fight them effectively, so they file summary judgment motions frequently. It is both an intimidation tactic as well as a legal strategy for avoiding the chance of going to trial and losing their case.
I stepped in and responded to their Motion for Summary Judgment, showing the Court why the “evidence” that NCSLT had put forward was not, in fact, legally sufficient to justify a judgment. The judge ultimately ruled in our favor and granted my clients a trial.
On the trial date, I went to court for them on June 19, 2018 and won. Here’s a copy of the judgment in our favor:

Student loans are a massive problem for millions of struggling working Americans. They can be very hard to deal with, and worst of all, you cannot discharge them in bankruptcy. Luckily for Alabama folks like John and Julie, I have experience dealing with these sorts of cases, and I have beaten them several times. If you or someone you know is facing a collection lawsuit from NCSLT in Alabama, call our office today and we’ll help you plan a defense.
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