Back in 2015, one of our clients bought a Chrysler 300 from a local used car dealership. It was a buy-here-pay-here deal, so she made her payments each month directly to the dealership. In January of 2018, she fell behind on her payments to the dealer, so the car was repossessed. Luckily, our client was able to gather the money to redeem the vehicle by paying off the remaining balance of $3,200. Redemption of a repossessed vehicle is authorized by Ala. Code 7-9A-623, and whenever a vehicle is repossessed, the secured creditor is required to send you a written notice of intent to dispose of the property before they do so. This gives you the opportunity to buy the vehicle back without losing your equity in it. Once you’ve redeemed the vehicle, it is paid for, and the dealer should transfer the title to you.
Unfortunately, after she redeemed the vehicle, the dealer decided that they didn’t want to convey the title to the vehicle. Instead, they asked for an additional $2,500. These, they claimed, were “repo fees.” But she’d already paid the exact amount they quoted her as the redemption amount. So naturally she refused to pay them any additional money. The dealership, not content to just let it go, decided to repossess her car again, even though she’d paid it off.
Not only did they take the car, but they also took her personal belongings which were in the vehicle. They refused to return these, too.
So in April 2018, we sued them for willful and malicious conversion and trespass to chattels. The case wound its way through the court system, and on November 13, 2018, the Court found in our favor and entered a judgment against the dealership for $24,410.
Here’s what a certificate of judgment against a car dealer looks like:

I need some help my car was repossessed last night i called the finance company and told them my payment would be late this month I’ll pay round about the end of month which is January 2022 i had this car for 2 years as of December 27 2021 so if can lead me in the right direction all my belonging are in that car please help.
In need of help.. my car was repossessed for non payment by a title loan, I’ve read in my contract that they’re not to take action until after 30 days of nonpayment. Well I’ve paid them twice this month, and only had a balance of $175.. and they still repossessed it. Also, the calculations in my contract isn’t adding up. Will this be a case? I’m in Alabama as well
I need to see if you could help me my situation is lengthy so short side I purchased a SUV from dealership in mobile which was financed thru one of their company’s do business with I financed this in 2017 and in beginning of 2019 I always pd on line with my card and write conf# down and date paid even though rec’d paper bill each month so I went to pay and stayed my acct no longer existed next day cd finance co. They told me my acct was sold to another co. I ask what co. etc she told me I would receive letter from new company. Ok from that time til 2020 when I rec’d a call from Premier Financial left me a msg wanted to know where my SUV was located omg CD him next day asking why and etc. He said he could me the company’s name who had my acct long story short I ask him how long had he had my acct to locate it oh and he was calling from TN he said 125 days and in the same day a repo company local said they needed to get my SUV after speaking both of them next day I CD left him a vm stating I have all my paperwork dated paid how much and conf. # and said how can they come after my SUV after all this time me not ever received anything he cd next day left me msg saying I had ask good questions and was no longer pursuing this case and was denying bk to that co. and towing co. C/b as well telling sorry. But a week ago while I was working someone towed my car from parking lot at Amazon more info. Just wanting to know after reading Al. State law on repossession’s it is 4 years need to know can u help me?
Can you help me
car got repoed wile i was in walmart after picking up a customers pump for repair i contact the lean holder told them i had to have my property out the car and explained the pump in there was a customers and would cost me $1500 to replace they told me i could get it that day if i paid what was owed on the car if i didn’t pay them then it would be a week before i could have my property and to top it off i look up the repo company address and it’s a 3 hour drive out of town to there office if they ever decide to give it back to me