Ferry & Nicholas Sends Advertisement Letters to Debtors in Alabama. I believe they may be sending false advertisements.
If you have been sued by a debt collector or credit card company in Alabama, you’ve probably received a letter from a company called Ferry & Nicholas. They claim to be “professional negotiators” who help people resolve debt collection lawsuits. I formerly had a client who had hired them for a matter and he informed me that what Ferry & Nicholas did was agree to a consent judgment for the full amount of the lawsuit. This is obviously a horrible deal that a good attorney could easily have beaten.
I’ve previously written about how Credit Repair Companies and Debt Settlement Companies are Scams, but if you’ve hired this outfit, it is not too late to take action!
Another of my clients recently received a letter from them and I believe that it contains information that is misleading to the public. I am currently investigating potential false advertisement claims against this company. If you or someone you know has hired this company, please call me at 251.272.9148 for a free consultation to discuss your options for potentially recovering compansation.

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