Another credit card lawsuit against a struggling Alabama woman, another victory for the consumer.
Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC sued my client for an allegedly unpaid credit card bill. They initially sued her in the District Court of Baldwin County, but we won that lawsuit, so they appealed the case to the Circuit Court. In Alabama, if you lose a lawsuit in the district court level, you can basically ask for a “do over” in Circuit Court, and the entire case starts again from scratch. Well, they weren’t happy when we beat them the first time, so they decided to appeal it and try again.
The case went to trial on October 17, 2018, and though my opposing counsel did a great job, the judge ruled that none of Jefferson Capitals’ documents were admissible in evidence, and granted us a judgment in our favor. This was a tremendous relief for my client, Ms. Campbell, who has a job and works hard, but was simply unable to afford to pay them what they were asking and could not risk having a garnishment served on her employer. This was not our first major victory against Jefferson Capital. If you or someone you know has been served with lawsuit papers from Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, it is very important to act quickly to protect yourself from the negative consequences of a potential judgment against you. Call an experienced debt defense lawyer today. Our fees are reasonable and our record of success us proven. 251-272-9148.